“There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
–Leonard Cohen, Anthem
Calling oneself a mature follower of Christ is recognizing that we are all broken. It is into those parts of us that are cracked that the light of grace can enter in and transform us. We know that we are loved just as we are.
We are about being morphed into the likeness of Christ so that we live with an awareness of our own needs and those of our neighbors.
The cracks are the issues and joys of aging. As a body of believers planted in the midst of a senior community, we have discerned that the obvious, “Elder-faith,” is our mission field. Elder-faith is how our beliefs and lived experience can be a source of encouragement and hope as we enter the second half of life.
We rest in the assurance that Isaiah 46:4 is for each of us: “Even to your old age and gray hairs… I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” We don’t know what the future holds for each of us, but we can be certain that God will care for us throughout our lives.
In light of all the above, we are:
- inclusive of everyone, on any faith path or none, to come alongside us to see how Christ is in us through our cracks!
- pioneering what it looks like to fully walk out “second half of life spirituality”
- companions to those with changing needs