At OCC you are invited to walk with us in discovering the wonderful relationship with God in the second half of life. We are exploring moving our lives from success to significance, from ambition to humility and from easy answers to the deep mysteries of our Lord and His plans for us.
Our expressions of faith are found in weekly worship, personal discipleship, music and art appreciation and the community of others who are experiencing the deep wonders of the message and work of Jesus.
At OCC we believe we have something to offer the church universal and the unique population who are fortunate to live in the Valley of the Moon. So if you are looking for a place that doesn’t answer every question the same or a community that works out its faith in practical ways, we invite you to join us each week at 10:30 or surf around this website for some resources for your faith journey.
Click here to read Who We Are
Click here to read What We’re About
Click here to read about our Leadership